Failure of Game Juggling

Well, I tried to work with time-boxing my game time as I mentioned last weekend, but failed miserably. I failed because as Victor from Games and Geekery mentioned in his comment, “Eve is a daunting, needy mistress”, and my alliance is in the middle of a war with the SoCo. I ended up getting pulled into 4 different battles last weekend in Eve and while the fleets I was in technically won, I lost 3 different ships – 2 Scimitars and a Drake. I even got podded once, but came right back. It was so nice to get some good fights. I did get some time to complete a few quests in The Secret World, but Eve prevented me from getting out of Kingsmouth before the new content came out at the end of July.

This week, while I will keep an eye out for good fights in Eve, I really am planning on focusing on my time in The Secret World as I would like to complete the 30 missions for the celebration. I'll let you know how it goes.