Vikings use Wurm Healing

I was watching the Vikings the other day on The History Channel and one of the main characters had suffered some pretty serious battle wounds. His family took him to a friends house and they immediately called for sage and garlic to create a salve to heal his wounds – it really made me think of how healing is handled in Wurm.

Ragnar from Vikings on History Channel
Ragnar was healed with sage and garlic

Healing Types

There are two main types of healing that can be performed by most players in Wurm (Priests can cast healing spells as well) – bandaging with cotton and treating with a healing cover. Bandaging will work with any cotton or cotton products – rags or pieces of cloth can be used just as well. Bandaging a wound heals a bit of the damage and stops it from getting worse, it can even upgrade the severity of the wound. It can transform a medium wound to a light one to enable natural healing to fix it.

Natural Healing

Speaking of natural healing, a character has a capability to regenerate 5 damage every 10 minutes on each wound(I've seen that it is every 20 minutes, but I am not sure). If a wound is less than medium severity (light or very light), natural healing will eventually take care of it. If the wound is medium severity, it will get worse by 5-10 points every 10(20) minutes which will eventually kill you unless you treat it with a bandage or healing cover. If the wound is bad or severe, it will get worse at a rate of 10-15 or 15+ respectively. Bandages can help these wounds, but a healing cover is needed to increase regeneration.

Healing Covers

Healing covers add to the natural regeneration of a player depending on their potency. Basic HCs add from 1 to 25 points of regeneration per period, allowing a players to survive significant injuries. While bandages need one ingredient, healing covers need two components, and depending on which ingredients are used, the HC will add a different amount of healing. To figure out the amount of healing an HC does, multiply the healing factor of the 2 ingredients. Healing factors range from 1 (pumpkin, onion, parsley) to 5 (black mushroom and unicorn horn). The most common I've used are made from lovage or rosemary which are level 4 and sage or nettles which have a factor of 3. To round things out, garlic, sassafras and lavender have a factor of 2. Most of these items can be found through foraging or botanizing.

Viking Healing

So, returning to the reason I thought about healing in Wurm, in the Vikings episode, they healed a guy with sage and garlic. According to the numbers in the game, this would make a healing cover of 6 potency which would be good enough to handle some bad wounds and maybe a bit worse if they were bandaged first. And even though it is a bunch of Vikings, I don't think they could have used unicorn horn to make a more potent HC.