A Safe Haven in a Chaotic Town

The Kingsmouth Congregational Church sits at 13 Arkham Ave, just up from Main Street.

Kingsmouth Congregational Church
Kingsmouth Congregational Church

Services are led by the Reverend Henry Hawthorne every Sunday at 10am, but you can find him there for a chat almost anytime or day.

Church Hours
Church Hours

While the church looks typical for such buildings in the northeast with a tall steeple and stained glass windows facing all directions, the main distinguishing features are the items depicted in the windows and the Illuminati Pyramid and All Seeing Eye prominently featured above the cross at the front of the church.

Henry Hawthorne
Reverend Hawthorne

Further evidence of Illuminated influence are the magical wards placed around the building which keep those inside safe from the Zombie hordes outside.

Church interior
Inside the safe haven

Many missions start or pass through the church, and the safety of the wards make it a nice place to stay while in the town.


Tannhauser Traveller #8 | The Secret World #7 | Kingsmouth Tour #7