Fast & Furious – Ultra Rapid Fire in League of Legends [LOL]

The Ultra Rapid Fire mode of League of Legends provides for a pretty fun and quick match. In it, you have a special “Awesome Buff of Awesomely Awesome Buffing” buff that provides a number of significant benefits.

This buff pretty much turns the strategy of your standard LOL Summoner's Rift into a Call of Duty type free for all. Everyone is spamming spells all the time with no fear of running OOM or anything.

Some champs are better at it than others and have been permabanned by Riot – Sona, Kassadin, Soraka, Hecarim, Nidalee, Alistar, Kayle, Skarner . Others are still really good – Maokai, Brand, Urgot. Yes – Urgot, who has one of the worst winning percentages in the league is good at this mode.

There has also been some discussion about whether it should stay or go. I am sorta ambivalent on the idea – keep it and play it if you want to have a faster paced, more twitch based game with little concern for strategy; don't play it if you want to focus on positioning and tactical laning. That said, I am probably running about a 50% win rate, but I have tried out champs that I have not played before. I actually considered buying Maokai to see how he feels dominating matches like he is.

In any case, I find the URF mode fun and a nice diversion from regular LOL.