Lazy Weekend

Pretty much a lazy weekend this time around. I wasn't feeling so hot so I slept quite a bit. I did get in a few games of league of legends and managed to fall down to bronze four and then get back up to bronze three. My gameplay has been mediocre at best. I also leveled a little bit in wow with my Orc Hunter. She's pretty fun and I'm enjoying going through the early level content although it doesn't seem like there is as much of it now as there once was.

Game of Thrones Season Finale

Once again Game of Thrones threw out another oh OMG episode. I really hate the fact that the season is so short, but they certainly pack a lot of stuff into these few episodes. Once again we are looking at quite a few months of wondering who is still alive and who we can possibly still like on the show. It certainly looks like most of the primary Lannisters are still intact, but I don't know if we're going to be able to find a Stark left alive South of the wall after this season. There is always something happening and someone dying in this show.

Penny Dreadful

Penny Dreadful on the other hand had another kind of quiet episode. Not much went on as far as action goes except it looks like Vanessa may finally have fully embraced the dark side. Ethan is also letting his wolf out a lot more this season. It's almost as if last season didn't have a full moon in comparison. I think the main difference between last season and this season tends to be the fact that in this season the crew is being hunted by witches while in last season they were the ones hunting the vampires. I think that distinction is really why we're seeing a couple of slow episodes. The show is still exciting though, just not as engrossing as last season.