Morning Ramble #1

Freeway Prayer

There was a lot of traffic this morning on the way in to work and even a truck with a sign indicating the freeway was slowing to a stop so I looked up the cause. Sadly there was a multiple car accident in which a minivan flipped over. I certainly hope everyone is relatively well – the CHP app did say there was an ambulance en route. I said a prayer and took the nearest off ramp that allowed me to get where I was headed via an alternate route. Even with this incident, the freeway is still the faster and less frustrating route in the morning since I totally believe the construction workers on the surface streets purposely take their time and cause the road work to go on for months.

Found Earhart

I was finally able to find my login information for one of my League of Legends alts. She's only level 19, but since my gameplay on my main resulted in me falling to Bronze V, I decided to give Earhart a turn. I fired up a draft match on Summoner's Rift and went with Morgana as my support champ. I didn't have a mastery page set up for support so I worked to load it up with support talents but forgot to save it so ended up with NO masteries. My lane partner was Vayne and she was pretty good. Between the two of us, we carried the game with her getting 11 and me getting 6 kills.

Zoo on CBS

Watched a new show called Zoo last night. It was alright – not really good, not really bad, just kinda standard summer tv. Apparently animals – specifically lions in this episode – have mutated in some fashion and are now attacking people. There were attacks in LA and in Botswana and the lions are winning so far. James Wolk (from The Crazy Ones – loved it), Kristen Connolly (I don't recognize her, but IMDB says she was in The Cabin in the Woods – guess I don't recall that movie too well) and Nonso Anozie (I recognize him as Xaro Daxos from Game of Thrones) seem to be the main characters, although Nonso's Abraham could very well be dead at this point. I'll keep my Tivo recording this for now and see what the next couple of episodes are like.