My Apologies to HotS Teammates

I have a love/hate relationship with the the Daily Quest system of HotS.

Heroes of the Storm - HotS

I love the fact that it encourages people to play roles that they are not familiar with, but I hate that it makes ME play roles that I am bad at.

In most games, I tend to focus on healers or support characters and less on tanks and DPS, but this quest system basically forces me to play and typically lose every few games by making me 'try' to play a role I am not very good at. I suppose I don't HAVE to play these roles, but if I wish to earn bonus gold I do. Bonus gold, which as a F2P player, I need to buy champs or mounts.

I guess I just have to apologize to whoever gets on my team when I attempt to complete one of the assassin or warrior quests. I'll try my best, but I'm just not that good at these roles.

#HotS #HeroesOfTheStorm

Morning Ramble #3


2 Comments on “My Apologies to HotS Teammates

  1. I definitely understand. I think Heroes does a better job of making all of the roles equally accessible though, even if I still have my personal preferences. It isn’t as much fun, but since I usually have new heroes to level to five anyway, I play a lot of AI games for the heroes I don’t know as well/don’t enjoy/or the roles I still want to work on.

    I do hate the Dailies though. I wish they focused more on playing a certain amount of games,meeting a specific experience gain threshold in a game, or gave me a way to choose what daily to take. Just anything so I am not stuck playing the one available Starcraft character that I hate because I haven’t unlocked any yet.

    • I just get frustrated when I have time for one game and feel pressured into a bot game or dragging down a team. I like your idea of being able to select from a set of Dailies or just make them ‘play X number of games’.