Farewell Snowdown

I'm not sure exactly how, but attaining level 6 happened about 10 seconds after I reached level 5. Needless to say, I didn't have an opportunity to try out my stun grenade…maybe next time.

In any case, getting to 5 and 6 happened after defeating Green Goblin – the big bad of beta block and I think the last villain of the prologue that takes place on The Raft. The fight went pretty much normal – shoot plasma launcher for AOE, send in Groot for tanking and aggro management, and drop down a bunch of turrets. If the baddies get to close, use the combat shield. GG didn't offer much variation on that theme and went down pretty easily.

Now I gotta head back to Avengers Tower and organize all my loot…hopefully level 7 will have more excitement to comment about. I also think that since the levels in Marvel Heroes seem to go by pretty quickly, at least at the start here, I might branch out and start leveling in another game as well.

Farewell Snowdown

Meanwhile, the Snowdown event has finished up in League of Legends and with it, I played my last Legend of the Poro King game. It's a pretty fun variant of the ARAM game mode where the entire map is one lane and is based completely on team fighting. Setting it apart from ARAM is the Poro King who shows up after one team hits the other with 10 snowballs. This huge poro tanks for you and slowly walks down the lane giving one team a huge advantage until it is dispelled.

I think I do pretty decent in this mode. I ended up with a 54% winning ratio playing mostly Lux, Zyra, and Brand. I stuck with APCs since my account only has AP runes, but I'm working on getting some health and defensive runes so I can expand my champion base. Form my many games, I've come to think Lucian is a pretty good selection for this game mode. His ultimate really takes down the Poro King fast, but I didn't have the runes to give him a real try…maybe next year.

For the champs I do play, Lux does real well with her laser. Get her a bunch of cool down reduction and she can shoot down the lane every 30 seconds and do quite a bit of damage. Zyra gets the benefit of her plants and I like them better than Heimerdinger's turrets. To me, they seem more versatile and I think they do more damage, but I don't have any evidence to back that up. Brand just does a ton of damage and with his passive, he chews through tanks pretty easily with Liandry's Torment. I'm gonna miss the Poro King, but I am definitely ready for season 6 to get started – I am pretty determined to get above Bronze this season.