Leveling Quickly in LOTRO

Reaching level 3 in LOTRO was no problem. Once through the tutorial featuring Elrond, I started running errands for his son Elladan around Thorin's Gate. After a couple of mundane quests he gave me enough XP to reach level 3.

Now that I'm running around in a larger world – I think I'm still somewhat secluded from the main game map – I thought it would be wise to break out my bear pet. He works pretty well as a tank at this level. I've set up a key bind to send him in to attack whatever I am targeting so I send him in and then start using my abilities. So far it's really a race…am I close enough to the enemy that my bear can get there before my Burning Embers and Sign of Battle: Wizard's Fire tick off enough damage to kill him. It's working well and I've got more skills to use if I need them down the road, but for now, these 3 cover everything nicely for a level 3 Loremaster.

Sometimes ARAM throws you a Curve

Trying to learn Tahm Kench's abilities during an ARAM is not an enjoyable experience as they're not completely straight forward. While he's been around for a while, my experience with Tahm has only been on the opposing side, and seemingly, he can eat up people at will, spit them out and has an infinite pool of hit points. The reality, at least when I play him is dramatically different. His cooldowns seem long, in order to eat an enemy champion you gotta build up stacks, and his ultimate seems severely lacking for ARAM play. At least he does get a bunch of HP. Needless to say, I played him rather poorly and my team lost. I suppose it didn't help that I only have AP runes, but I imagined I'd be an unstoppable eating machine. At least I'll know a bit more about him next time I face him or draw him in ARAM.