Beard Trimming Problems

Sometimes I really don't like having a beard. Sometimes it's too hot, sometimes it just gets to scraggly and looks like crap and it always makes a mess when I shave. Today I ended up almost shaving it off but not because I didn't like it.

Although it's been in the 80s here in San Diego this past week I was still sporting a winter beard. In the winter I let it grow longer to provide an extra bit of facial warmth, not that I need it here where it rarely gets below 50 degrees. I decided today, because I was meeting with some friends and it has been so warm, I would go ahead and trim it down.

I set my handy-dandy beard trimmer to the 5 setting (I think it is millimeters, but I'm not so sure) and thought this'll be great – I'll trim it a bit, making it neat and less scraggly and it'll look nice. Well apparently my trimmer had other ideas. It wanted to set me up with a summer beard – much shorter than the number 5 setting would produce. Instead of the 5, the trimmer ended up slipping down to a 3 (still think this is millimeters, but it certainly seems much more than 2mm shorter than the 5 setting) and gave me a short cut that works well in the summer but is much too short if I want it to provide warmth latter when the frigid February El Niño turns cold again.

Oh well…I'll live with it, but sometimes I get frustrated with my first world problems.

Morning Ramble 2.1