Another Couple of Placement Matches

Well, after my surprising 7-0 opening win in ranked I felt pretty good about heading into season 6. Lux was fun to play and I felt I was getting better at her in both mid and support roles.

My second game went well, and though I did die a few times, I pulled off 34 assists and 8 kills. One thing to remember with Lux or any squishy champion – Tryndamere hurts really bad if you get within his spin range. He got me a few times at the end, but I got another win.

Next game, I got another run with Lux as support. This time not so successful. I played well enough even though I died way too many times – 11 – I did pick up 7 kills and 20 assists. The main issue with this game though was our jungler, Ekko, went AKF for the last 15 minutes of the game. Which let the other team drag out the match and eventually win. We came close but 4v5 is just difficult.

I think so far I am feeling pretty good about season 6. 2-1 to start out my placement games is not the best, but I feel that I am playing better this season and I'm hoping Riot doesn't drop a patch that completely changes the meta like they seemed to do about once a month last season.

Last season it was like…lets mess with the jungler…then in March lets mess with the mid laners… Oh don't forget to mess with top laners and make everyone want to be a tank for the summer. Anyway, I think I am better positioned experience wise and mentally to deal with Riot's patching, but we'll have to see.

Hope your placement matches go well.

Morning Ramble 2.10