Nerf Udyr not Gangplank

League of Legends Patch 6.4

I'm not sure if it's just me, but I've noticed that Riot is releasing patch notes the day before the patch actually drops. They may have done this in the past, but I enjoy reading about the patch before I have to deal with it. I mean, trying to figure out what the significant changes are while I'm sitting in champ select was not optimal. Now I know before I head into a match…much better.

Speaking of the changes in the patch, I had an opportunity to play Gangplank the other day in an ARAM game. I think this might have been the second or third time I gave this champ a try, and he's pretty fun. He seems to make gold pretty easily (in ARAM) and he seemed to have some good survivability, but learning to work with his barrels was not the most straight forward – particularly when my opponents seemed to know exactly what to do…target them before I can make them explode. Well, I'm glad I don't play GP much since the patch nerfed his Powder Keg – only allowing 3 barrels – which would really gimp my play. I had a tough enough time working with 4 or 5 barrels in the end game, and really struggled earlier when I had only 2-3 to use.

In terms of changes I'm happy to see, I'm glad they took a look at Udyr and Xin – these guys have been OP lately. It looks as though they hit Xin more than Udyr, nerfing both his healing and the attack speed granted by his W, while Udyr has a cut to his shield in Turtle and his damage in Phoenix. I don't see this slowing down Udyr much, but I'm not gonna worry about Xin as much…I don't think I'll waste a ban on him for now…Udyr though still gets my ban.

The biggest change I am looking to try out though, is the Expose Weakness mastery in the Ferocity tree. Playing mostly support lately, and an aggressive one at that, I think this will give some good synergies and offset some of the OP healing supports. Providing a 3% boost to damage when you and your ADC are attacking the same champ will help winnow down the enemy even when they have a Soraka dumping health into them non-stop.

I'm looking forward to see how this patch effects gameplay.

Big Kudos!!!

I want to give huge kudos to Belghast over at Tales of the Aggronaut for his recent post about the free games offered on the PlayStation Plus Network and how to grab them even if you don't have a PS4.

Morning Ramble 2.14