Struggle in Bronze I

My last post about ranked play in League of Legends ended with me making a run through Bronze, from B3 through to being promoted to Bronze I.  I was pretty excited.  I had put together 20 wins over a 24 game period and felt like I was gonna hit Silver in no time.  Of course, things didn’t work out that way.

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Struggle in Bronze I

At first things continued going well – I won my first 2 games.  But then I went on a streak to make up for my 20-4 run.  I threw down a 9-14 record over my next 23 games.  Not really the best.  I played hard, but made too many mistakes and spent way too much time dead.  Teammates were sometime good, sometimes bad, but nothing seemed to work consistently to keep me on my winning ways.  It started out with 3 losses but then I managed to turn things around and pick up the next 7 out of 9 so I started feeling better.  I was almost to the promotion series to Silver and my goal was in reach at 95 LP.

Then, things went south fast.  I’m not really sure what or how it happened, but I dropped the next 4 matches.  I think I started losing focus since for one of the games, I failed to set my masteries properly as I was trying to do anything to turn things around.  One game I even played Malphite since we had no tank and I was last pick…this was a huge mistake.  Even though I went 3-10 with 23 assists, my team was relying on my tanking abilities, which are not that good.  I finished this day off with a win though so I was hoping that things turned around and I would get back on the path to Silver.

I was not so lucky.  The next day started with 2 losses in which I got a total of 1 kill and 11 assists to 14 deaths – not good.  I managed to turn things with a 2/7/9 showing from Lux, but it did not last.  I was at 22 LP and lost 3 in a row…back to Bronze 2.  ARGH!  I was so close not too long ago and now I was a full rank away.  I won’t say this was my worst streak because I know I’ve had some really bad losing streaks, but 11-14 is not what I wanted to do once I hit Bronze I.

Time for a break…

In looking back at my games, I can see I’ve been playing Zyra much better than all other champs.  Lux comes in second, and I should really stay away from any kind of tank supports right now.  With the new Team Selection process, it’s pretty easy and quick to get into a game as a support, but I’m gonna need to learn a tank champ sooner or later to round out my support stable.

In any case, good luck to anyone trying to rise through Bronze into Silver or beyond.  I’ll just be happy to get up to Silver for this season…we’ll see where things take me in the future.

Morning Ramble 2.122