Rambling about the Angels and THE ONE in League

While I’m getting ready for San Diego Comic-Con which starts on Wednesday, I still have other things going on, so while I’ve been talking about League all week, I thought I’d also ramble about the Angels agian today. For a change this season, the Angels are winning, while in League, I’ve hit a rough patch.

Good Start to the Half

Angels win first 2 of second HalfWell, the Angels are starting out the second half on the right foot. They won their first 2 games collectively, 8–0. Two shutouts of the White Sox is much needed after the horrible first half the team put together. Hopefully this is a trend that will continue…I mean, I know they won’t keep shutting people out nor will they win every game, but I certainly hope they perform more up to their potential during the second half. As it is, I’m pretty sure they are going to be sellers at the trade deadline, but it’ll be seen how much so, and who they get rid of. With so many players on the disabled list, they don’t have much to offer as far as I can tell, but we’ll see.


I’ve been playing a bunch of League lately, mostly because my older computer isn’t up to snuff for many of the newer games and I don’t have much in the way of disk space. I did start up the updater for Warcraft because I saw that the pre-patch for Legion will be dropping this week. While I’m not sure if I have the space to hold the update I want to give it a try. But while that was downloading, I got in a few more matches and they weren’t my best. I ended up with a 7 game losing streak and falling out of Silver 3. I’m sure it will only be a temporary thing but it happened.

Seven losses in a rowOne thing I am seeing, more often than not in this current patch, is that games are being dominated by one player. It could be a Yasuo, a Hecarim, an Udyr, or a Varus. It doesn’t really matter who, but one player seems to be far and above the skill of everyone else playing the match. If that champ is on your team…you win, if they are on the opponent…you lose. I don’t think I’ve seen so many matches where one champ would rack up 20+ kills and everyone else would score 4–5 or fewer. It’s been a real pisser of a trend – I mean, it seemed like for quite a bit there was a team mechanic where everyone on the team had a chance to contribute and push the team towards victory. Now it just seems like luck is in the matchmaking system. And it doesn’t even seem to matter if there is a duo or team on one side or the other – whoever gets THE ONE wins.

That’s what seems to have happened during my 7 game losing streak. I continually got placed on the team without THE ONE so we lost. Our team could have scored more kills or knocked down more turrets, but since we didn’t have THE ONE, we lost.

I don’t think this is a good trend for League. But I might start asking in champ select if anyone on my team is THE ONE and dodging if no one claims the role.