Ban Rengar, Catch Psyduck

League of Rengar

Usually I’ve been banning Hecarim whenever I get a chance and he’s not already on the list, but now I’ve got a second must ban champ…Rengar. This hunter is crazy overpowered right now. Maybe I just haven’t figured out the range of his invisible leap, but he pretty much has been able to essentially one-shot me or at least take me out in about 1.5 seconds. I haven’t been able to figure out a counter to this other than try to stay with teammates and hope someone kills him after I die.

20160730-LoLIn my first game today, I was second pick and no one listened when I asked to have Rengar banned. I was told by our jungler, Kha’zix, that he could handle him early game, shut him down, and he would be a non-factor late game. Well, he had 3 kills by 6 minutes – 2 of Kha’Zix and one of our top laner. I think that of my 10 deaths, which is horrible for me, that 6 came at the claws of Rengar and his invisible leap. It was a pretty bad game for me though my 10 deaths were not the worst on our team – it was a bad game all around.

In the second game, I was again 2nd pick but someone listened and banned Rengar. Hecarim was also banned and I was happy. This game went pretty well and while I died 7 times, I know what I did wrong and it was not because of some stupid OP champ. For 2 of my deaths, I stayed way too long under turret and took a few too many turret shots. 2 were early game when they enemy kept coming down 4v2 and I had to protect my ADC. Also making this game more interesting is that I tried to focus on trading during the leaning phase. I had watched a YouTube that suggested attacking lane opponents as your minion is almost dead. Basically when a minion is about to die and the opponent moves in to last hit, you step on the minion and attack. This makes the opponent chose between last hitting and taking damage, attacking you and missing the last hit, or backing off to avoid damage. I’m gonna work on this technique and see how my gameplay goes. It resulted in a win here, so it was good so far.

20160730-PokémonFound a Psyduck!

I’m still catching more of them all and I’m enjoying it. I went down to Mission Bay today and fired up the app. I was pretty impressed to find a couple of new Pokémon…a Psyduck and a Tentacool. Psyduck has always been one of my favorites ever since the Pokémon cartoon. He, Squirtle, and of course Pikachu were the ones I liked most in the show. While out and about, I also found a Charmander, but after throwing 6 balls at him, he disappeared – only the second to get away like that for me. The game is keeping my interest longer than Ingress did but I have yet to train or do battle at a gym. We’ll see how thing go when I get to the point of actually using my Pokémon to do stuff.