Riot has Ruined ARAM

Once again, Riot has blindly made changes to their game without thinking through the consequences. Sure, it’s preseason when people are trying out new things, but while this change may help reduce queue times in Summoner’s Rift, it’s basically destroyed ARAM.

With the addition of the extra supports ARAM has become the Battle of Supports. This is particularly true of lower level summoners who don’t have an extensive pool of owned champions to draw from.

I recently played 5 games of ARAM and here are ALL of the non-Support champions I had on my team.

  • Kalista
  • Tahm Kench – who is listed as support but is free this week in any case
  • Tristana
  • Nasus
  • Xerath – free this week
  • Kennen

So, out of 25 possible champs, 19 of them were Support, 20 when you throw in Tahm. How is that any fun? I even had one game where I had nothing but support champs on my side.

Essentially, Riot has reduced queue times for Summoner’s Rift at the expense of destroying ARAM. And one of the reasons they suggest for doing this is to get people to try out the Support champions – are they expecting them to be used in Ranked play? If so, then I question Riot’s commitment to reducing toxicity in League. If they expect them to be tried out in ARAM well, I can only say, it’s a bad way to try out Support champs when that’s all that are in the match.

Maybe they can reduce the probability of getting the new free supports in ARAM or only allow the normal free champs there.  I don’t know but this isn’t working currently.

I also question the ‘randomness’ of ARAM champ assignment now that I’ve seen 19 supports out of 25 possible champs.  Not too many ways that can be random.

Maybe something needs to be done to encourage people to play Support in Summoners Rift, but something has to be done to fix ARAM because right now, it’s a pointless game mode that used to be a lot of fun.