They’re In A Better Place Now

Too Many Passings

The world is a lesser place today…

Carrie Fisher
George Michael
Richard Adams

These three had an impact on the current society in many ways.

Fisher brought a strong female presence to a science fiction universe and helped make Star Wars what it is today – a multibillion dollar franchise that has featured women in prominent roles for decades. She also put a spotlight on bipolar disorder and manic depression which many are still struggling to learn about and deal with.

George Michael won a Grammy with his music and shined a light on the gay community in a time when the world needed to come together to fight AIDS and discrimination.

Richard Adams wrote a lovely children’s book – Watership Down – that introduced many to the fears and anxiety, heroism and sacrifice of the real world through the guise of simple rabbits.

All three touched many lives that are better for having experienced them.

2016 has seen quite a few impactful people pass on (some are mentioned here and here) but at least we’ve been able to have them in our lives in one form or another, and these three will be around for years to come…Carrie Fisher was prominent in The Force Awakens, George Michael was brought up in Deadpool (which I just happened to watch on Christmas Eve), and Watership Down is coming to Netflix as a miniseries.

They’re still part of our culture even now that they’ve passed on and are in a better place.