How do you deal with a patch?

Last season there were 24 patches and during season 5, there were 24 more patches. This has got to be the most patched game with one dropping almost every other week. With 48 patches in 2 seasons/years, how are you supposed to keep up with all the changes? Especially when this is a PvP team game.
Did your favorite champ get nerfed or boosted? Did Riot increase your damage or did they reduce the scaling you depended on? Did the life steal of your first item disappear or did they introduce a new item that makes your entire build obsolete?

If there is anything that is constant in League, it’s that fact that things are always changing.

For the 6.24 patch, I had started to branch out with my gameplay, moving into the Jungle role a bit since gaining rank as Support was becoming difficult. Relying on untested ADCs and unknown teammates were making Support a difficult role to climb with. Jungle on the other hand gave me the chance to assist any lane that needed it or help a lane that was dominating. It opened up my gameplay so I could make more of a difference – good or bad – in more games.

But with a new patch, all bets are off.

I’m an OK jungler and can figure things out, but with all the changes in this patch I’m at a loss to play this role well. Sure, I can continue to improve with the champs I’ve been playing, but with the nerf to early jungle XP – I tend to have issues.

So I’m back to Support.

After losing my 1st 2 games after the patch as Jungler, I switched to Support and have won 3 in a row.

But now I need to figure out who the new OP champs are to ban. It just really feels like the game is one of chasing Riot around from patch to patch – trying to avoid the nerf bat and find a good set of champs that can be played in all situations.

I’ll keep playing, but I wonder if I should just let the first dew days of a new patch pass without playing. Let everyone else figure out the nerfs and boosts before I start losing MMR to Riot’s whims.

I don’t think I’m that good of a player, but constantly having to adjust to Riot’s changes makes me appear much worst than I am.