Nioh Challenge Entry #6: Gearing Up

This is an installment of my Nioh Challenge series in which I try to get through the Nioh storyline and see how many deaths it takes me.

Last time, I made my first foray into the Tower of London without dying. Let’s see if this was the start of a streak or a one time thing.

Gearing Up

I start out at the same shrine I prayed at last time. In addition of resetting my health and Ki bars, it allows the bad guys to respawn. I also noted that it topped off the number of medicine potions I had. Before the prayer, I was down to 2 potions, now I’m back up to 4 which I guess is currently my max. They sure come in handy but I seem to be able to find them pretty quickly when I’m not topped off.

Actually, this part of the expedition seems to be the gearing up montage…queue the music…

…Guard Coat…

…Runkah…a spear…

…Battle Axe…

…and A nifty hat…

So now I’m all decked out.

I’m more than prepared to take on these guards now that I’ve got some gear.

Here I am wielding my Runkah…

and here I’m showing how to use my range advantage with the spear over this guy’s sword.

With all my shiny new gear equipped, I head back to the shrine so I don’t lose any of it if I die…actually I don’t know if this will save my place or prevent me from having to go pick up stuff from my dead corpse, but I figured it was worth a try. In any case, it was good I did head back to the shrine because shortly after I got there I started having Internet trouble…looks like I’ll have to slay the Time Warner Cable beast before I can continue.

Another trek without a death…I hope this becomes a pattern, but I’m pretty sure this game is compared to Dark Souls for a reason and it’s not because it’s dark in the Tower of London. I’m sure I’ll get back to the dying soon enough.

Death Count: 4

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