6 Things About AR URF I Hate

I played a bunch of AR URF…All Random Ultra Rapid Fire… this weekend and for the most part, it was not very much fun. Somehow I always ended up on the team without an OP champ. Oh sure, I learned a few things, but I feel like I wasted a lot of time learning them.
Rambling Redshirt Plays League of LegendsWhat I learned is:

1) AFKs – as usual they suck, but since this isn’t ranked, people seem to have no issue leaving when they’re up against ridiculous odds and overpower champs.

2) Karthus’ ultimate – way too OP. warwick’s new kit is pretty bad, but he can only lock down one champ, same as Malzahar. Karthus on the other hand requires a trip base practically every 60 seconds or you’ll die to his ult. I mean everyone will die. It’s pretty crazy.

3) Jax’ E-Q combo is just OP. Usually when I see Ajax twirling his staff above his head I get outta the way, but in URF, he’s constantly doing it. And he’s jumping on you non-stop too.

4) Nunu is bad – his range sucks, his ultimate is easily interrupted and he has nothing to contribute in a game when the opposing team is all ranged – can’t even eat enemy champs like Cho’Gath so that sux too.

5) With everyone taking TP – you gotta really watch out for the back door. Multiple times, the only way my team got a win was to TP into their base as they were attacking our inhibitors.

6) Sona is too easy with damage that doesn’t need to be targeted. Every time I saw Sona in game, either on my team or the opponent, she had the most kills. With a damage dealer that doesn’t need to be targeted and hits multiple enemies, she just blasts anyone in lane with her and then dominates team fights.

While standard URF allows ou to ban these OP champs or avoid the bad ones, I would not recommend wasting time playing AR URF, and I’ll not be playing it anymore.