Cable Attacking Avengers and Lots of Sewers

Daily Ramble 88: Cable Attacking Avengers and Lots of Sewers

I’m finally back to being able to ramble about games and comics and happily, the plumbing repairs are continuing to hold, so there’s no sewers for me personally. There is plenty of sewers to go around though…In Avengers X-Sanction, Cable drags Falcon through the sewers to escape the battle. Then in Secret World Legends, I venture into the airport sewers in an attempt to get the runway lights back to functioning. I very much prefer virtual sewers to actual ones – I don’t have to get dirty this way.


Hanging out with Ellis Hill

Now that’s I’m bopping around the airport, I decided to head into some of the buildings and the first I entered housed Ellis Hill.

He’s a big man who’s been around the airport for quite a while and he’s concerned about the reliability of the runway lights. Apparently the generator isn’t working as it should.

The only way to get the generator up and running constantly though is to wade through the sewers. As I’ve mentioned before, the sewers on the airport ground are pretty odd, but not only that, they are flooded and contain many zombies.

But I gotta get those light on so it’s easier to take out the creature around the airport. So into the sewers it is, but I gotta be careful – since the electricity is faulty and the sewers are flooded, I’m just as likely to get electrocuted as fix the generator. And I was right, as I head down to my first sewer, the water is crackling with electricity and I had to carefully jump from rail to platform until I reached the fuse panel. The next sewer had zombies in it and they were just as deadly as the electricity but I have magic to take care of them. But man, those sewers have a bunch of problems – the next one I went to had poison gas that I had to avoid – this is becoming a chore to get all these fuses back online. I had to jump from debris to crates and ledges to get the panel turned on in that one. Finally, I made it to the generator area and ran into the Circuit Breaker…

He had some nasty AOE attacks and packed a punch but I was able to take him down and get the generator back online. But as I checked out the area around the machine to make sure all the connections were secure, I found a note that seems to indicate Ellis Hill might not be who I met up in that building. I’ll have to look into this more.


First Look – Avengers: X-Sanction #1

Hmm…this first issue of Avengers: X-Sanction is a pretty good setup for the longer story. We get a quick introduction to who the current Avengers are – Spider-Man, Wolverine, Red Hulk, Falcon, Captain America, and Iron Man – and we see them immediately thrown into battle against the Lethal Legion who just escaped from a transport taking them to the Raft. The Raft is actually known to me since it’s where the Marvel Heroes video game starts off and apparently it’s where super-powered criminals are housed. As the Avengers fight the Lethal Legion, Falcon is shot and a mysterious cloaked figure drags him into the sewers.

That cloaked figure turns out to be Cable and he’s planned on capturing Captain America with Falcon as bait. Usually I think of Cable as a good guy, but it seems there’s something going on with his daughter that’s got him taking on the Avengers. A pretty good fight ensues between Cable and Cap and while we see flash-forwards about Cable’s daughter the bottom line is that it seems Captain America lost the fight at the end of the issue. Pretty interesting setup for the limited series.

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