What to Blog About

Hmm…it almost seems like I’m writing a baseball blog this week but in reality I’m still recovering from the mental and physical exhaustion of Comic-Con. While I love the 5 day marathon, it truly is a draining experience. But then it’s for times like this that I started posting about my favorite baseball team. They are generating content nearly every day…even when I can’t think straight. So I borrow their energy and use them to prop me up when I’m low on creativity.

In any case, I started out a few years ago…6 I guess, during the first Newbie Blogger Initiative in 2012 as a gaming blog but I’ve kinda expanded since then.

I always knew I wanted this to be a blog focused on my interests and while they tend to focus around MMOs and gaming, I did not want to limit myself to them alone.

So like S. Greystone over at Gray’s Cozy Nook mentions, sometimes randomness isn’t a bad thing. So I embrace that randomness and all the varied interests that pop into my head – from sports to movies, Secret World to Eve Online.

I’m certain that I will not please everyone with all my different topics but I do please myself. And in the long run, I’m gonna be reading my blog more than anyone else.

So for me, I’m happy to post about baseball and science fiction novels, gaming and computers, and don’t forget comics and of course Comic-Con. I figure I might not get people to like all of the same stuff I do but I’m sure they can at least find something to like among the vast topics I end up covering.

I hope you do.