Finally Some Gaming

Daily Ramble 32: Finally Some Gaming

This week has been a bit slow on the gaming and reading fronts but I finally got some time to play a bit and in doing so I realized how much EQ2 is a game from another time. With death penalties, spells that need to be researched, deadly starting zones, and seemingly hundreds of spells, abilities, and traits to figure out, this game is definitely old school.

Beyond playing though, I got a chance to finish up some reading and try to plan out some comic book reading. On the whole it was a good time.


Leveling Up In Everquest 2

I haven’t gamed as much as I was planning to this month but I’m hoping that today will mark a change for the better. As it stands, I finally made some advancement in EverQuest 2, leveling up to 16 on my channeler. The path hasn’t been smooth regardless of my lack of time in the game but I’m glad to have made some progress.

My main issue right now I’m dealing with is figuring out how to deal with multiple bad guys at once. At the spot where I’m at in The Caves, whenever I try to pull one Dustpaw Gnoll Guards, three of them come after me and beat me up pretty bad. My Construct, Rocki, does his best to protect me and heal my damage, but things aren’t always successful.

So I got re-introduced to the EverQuest death penalty. Sure I know the current death penalty is nothing compared to the way things used to be but going from so many different MMO’s where there’s basically no death penalty to this it’s kind of a shock.

In any case I’ve now leveled up past the point were even three of these guys are much of a problem for me. I purchased a new bow that does decent damage and I’m starting to understand a little bit about the multitude of alternate abilities and traits that are available. This game seems to have at least as many ability choices as LOTRO and it makes WoW look like it could be played with an Xbox controller. Regardless I’ve learned that it’s important to use the best gear I find since it makes a huge difference at these low levels.


Reading Murder by the Book

I finished up reading Murder by the Book yesterday and while it was a good story and a well written novel, it wasn’t my cup of tea. It doesn’t have anything to do with the author or the setting but I’m just not a really big mystery reader. In order for me to get into the genre the stars have to align and the book has to be incredible. This was a good book but didn’t hook me.


Comic Strategy

I’m always going through different strategies of choosing the comics I’d like to be reading on a regular basis. Usually my plans will last for a few weeks to a couple months and then I’ll fall off and cut back on reading for a few weeks until I decide on a new strategy. My current game plan is trying to get through the new releases each week for marvel unlimited. That’ll usually be anywhere from a dozen to two dozen comics from Marvel and while it is focused only on one publisher I’m hoping I’ll still have time to expand my reading beyond these titles. If I can get a good accounting of the available comics from DC Universe, I’ll gladly add them to my reading list as well. We’ll see how it goes.

Daily Ramble 32: Finally Some Gaming