The Chief Doesn’t Trust the Rangers

The Vale of Andrath is Bree-land’s gateway to the South.
– Chief Watcher Grimbriar

With those words, the Chief Watcher encouraged Pangolyn to head to the Vale and seek out a couple of scouts and to assist them in discovering what Sharkey is doing in the in the ruins.

Unfortunately, the scouts were kinda pinned down by brigands and half-orcs when we arrived. They did have some suggestions as to how we could help, so Pangolyn and I set out to smack down some bad guys.

With plenty of brigands and half-orcs to mow through, Pangolyn and I had a great time but finding the Orc leader and Sharkey’s Lieutenant was kinda a pain in the butt. Eventually though, we located them and while they put up a formidable fight, the battle was ours.

With all the bad guys in the Vale, we had to head back to the Chief Watcher and ask him to call in the Rangers for support, but to our surprise, Grimbriar doesn’t want the support of the Rangers…

The Rangers are a dangerous and wild lot and do more harm in this land than good.

Obviously, the Chief Watcher has been listening to too many rumors and not seeing the facts of the situation in Bree-land. Things are going horribly wrong and fast, and the Rangers are only trying to stop the descent.

We’ve got to get word back to Strider to encourage him to hire some public relations support quickly or things will completely fall apart in Middle Earth.

Ramble 84 Cheetah 29| 2022.8 | The Chief Doesn’t Trust the Rangers