A Plan and some Play

Daily Ramble 27: A Plan and Some Play

While I’ve been playing Albion every day, running expeditions for silver and farming my longer term planning has been a bit lacking. Today I started taking a look into that. I also got some decent time to play Destiny and leveled up my power a bit.


Finally some time to play Destiny 2

This weekend I finally got a few consecutive hours to play Destiny 2 and it’s definitely got a lot of the fun features I enjoyed in the first first game.

And I’ve found a gun I really like. With this Dead Zone Rifle, I was delivering head shots to the Knights I was facing that were causing over 1000 damage. For a low level, relatively short time player, it’s a great initiator for those difficult targets.

With the rifle and other items, I’ve improved my power level up to 48 and I’ve had fun mowing down baddies in the EDZ but now I’m headed off to Titan for more campaign goodness.


A Plan in Development

Earlier this week in Albion I mentioned how I started putting both my farms to use in making me money. Growing Wheat in my vegetable farm and raising chickens in my animal farm, I was able to make plenty of Chicken Omelettes that I could sell and make some silver on.

As I made my sale orders and examined things at the Marketplace, I realized I might be able to make some money buying raw materials at the market, crafting the items, and selling them at a profit.

So I figured I’d try something small first…something I’m familiar with…Chicken Omelettes. I set up buy orders for raw chicken and wheat since I’ve got tons of hen eggs on my island, and we’ll see what happens. If the orders go through I should make a decent profit and improve my chef crafting.

If this works I’ll look for more profitable things to work on.