Visiting a Neighboring C2

Today we found the entrance to another wormhole, and I took a trip to Amarr to pick up a Drake.

Sleepless Escort
Sleepless Escort waiting to be destroyed by my new Drake

The outbound static landed me in Devoid and it was only a dozen jumps to get to Amarr to do some shopping. I figured that I needed to get a bit more firepower/defense if I was going to start exploring other wormholes that connected to ours.

A drake seemed to be in order and since I had trained to do high sec ratting in one, I knew how to use it. The Drake is a workhorse of many ratters and mission runners since it has a decently high level of hit points (46k) and the ability to fit seven missile launchers that can dish out any flavor of damage needed.

Heading back to the wormhole with my Drake was uneventful, and I ventured forth into the joining C2. The hole had a single POS but no one was around so a couple of corpmates and I set out to clear the 3 Sleeper sites that were available. Less than an hour later, we were back home with only dead Sleepers as witnesses.

I think I am starting to get the hang of Wormhole life to some degree.

  • For the most part, just like when I started Eve, I feel much safer in a cloaked ship.
  • Dscan is my friend – never let a minute go by without checking it.
  • Getting supplies and ships in and out can be a pain, but I think I have been lucky with static connections being somewhat close to trade hubs so far.
  • This is a great way to see the various sectors of Eve – you never know what system you'll connect to tomorrow.

I am not naive enough to think I have things worked out, but I think these concepts form a fine foundation. I suppose I left out the most important one – as soon as you undock, expect the ship you are flying to get blown up, but that premise is common to all of Eve.