This is not the Hutt I’ve been looking for

Continuing my fun with Star Wars today, I read the second issue of the 1977 comic and advanced another rank in Battlefront.

Six Against the Galaxy

In the last issue we ended with Luke knocked out by an attack of the Sandpeople. Obiwan Kenobi shows up for the first time in this issue and quickly saves young Skywalker and they proceed to follow the Star Wars plot. Princess Leia's hologram explains the mission set out for them, but interestingly, she says that Bail Antilles is her father. I wonder if this was something changed in the script after the comic went to press, because we all know Bail Organa is her adopted father.

Ben, Luke, and the droids head to Mos Eisley where they hook up with Han and Chewie to get off the planet. I find it interesting that since the comic is based on such a widely seen and beloved movie, there are discrepancies that even the creator wants to retcon. The well know scene with Greedo and Han is clearly presented in the comic book, and let me tell you…Han shot first. The panels are straight and to the point – Greedo is stopped mid-word by Han's blaster shot. Greedo doesn't even get off a shot in the book.

Jabba also showed up, which was another update that Lucas added in, but this Hutt is humanoid and green. He does the same harassment of Han paying him back, but he is not the giant slug type creature Lucas made him into in Return of the Jedi and the re-released episode IV. In any case, the issue ends with the group escaping the Empire forces by jumping to hyperspace headed towards Alderan. Even with all the discrepancies, the issue is a fun read.

Star Cards and using the Pulse Cannon

I played a few more games of fighter squadron last night, but realized that none of the unlocks I've achieved so far is relevant to that game mode so I went back to supremacy. The new maps from the Battle of Jakku DLC are pretty fun to play on, but I'm still not very good. I managed to kill more people than get killed for the first time, but I was only because I threw a thermal detonator and killed 3 people at once.

Speaking of the thermal detonator, I unlocked and bought a few items this time around. At first I only bought the detonator since I didn't have enough credits to get anything else, but after a few rounds of supremacy, I had enough to grab the pulse cannon. This promised to provide a long range high damage shot every 15 seconds or so.

Hand Problems

The problem was when I tried to load this into my ‘hand’ of 3 special items. You see, in order to equip the items you pick up as cards, you need to put them in your ‘hand’ in the game. The problem I had though, was when I added the detonator it fit nicely in slot 1, but when trying to add the pulse cannon, the game told me I didn’t have a card that would fit into slot 2. This pissed me off since I just spent the resource points to get the damn thing. Blame it on my avoidance of these types of games, but after not using the cannon for a few games, I tried to load it into slot 3 and it fit. Now I can use all the items I’ve unlocked.

Hopefully I'll start playing better now that I have a few perks. It's fun none the less.