Rambling on a Crazy Day

Here’s some rambling on a crazy day, but that’s to be expected when Comic-Con is in town. No panels today since it’s only Preview Night, but the exhibit hall was open and tons of people were about. Downtown San Diego is done up to the nines for all the attendees.

Comic-Con Craziness

20160720-ComicCon2016-PreviewNightOverviewI took some pictures, but all I have at this time is some raw footage since I’m sitting in Ballroom 20 watching the pilot episode of what I think is Frequency. At least that’s what it appears to be. From what I can tell, it’s based on the same idea as the movie, but then I’m not too familiar with the movie. Basically a HAM operator somehow gets on a frequency where they can talk to the past (back to 1996) and they end up talking to family members. It’s a cool premise and one that could make for a neat TV series if done right. Hopefully they don’t screw it up.

Pokémon Craziness

20160720-PokémonGO-SandShrewThe other craziness is Pokémon. Of course I knew there were going to be a bunch of pokéstops downtown but I didn’t realize how many. I found a bunch of new Pokémon but once again, I don’t have any of the images processed…maybe tomorrow or after Comic-Con.