Lux in the Top Lane

One thing I’ve noticed about League of Legends lately is that the queue for Blind matches is quicker than the one for Normal Draft games.  I find this interesting because I really prefer to play the draft matches for a variety of reasons.

  1. You get to ban the currently overpowered champions so gameplay isn’t one sided.
  2. You get to set your preference for role to play in the game.
  3. You avoid the manic infighting that occurs when the chat room opens where people try to shout what role they want.

I think each of these items helps lead to a better, more civil game of League and I certainly prefer to start out the game with civil teammates rather than seeing people in conflict before the minions even spawn.

What I’m seeing, though, is queue times of over 3 and a half minutes, and that is for the support role which has a quick wait time.  Waiting 5 or 6 or more minutes to get a match is not my idea of a quick game, particularly when I’ve got 40 minutes before I have to leave for work.  Sure, it’s better to wait 5-6 minutes and get a game, but the other thing I’ve seen so much lately is people leaving champ select after bans have been selected – 10 minutes wasted for a game that doesn’t happen.  Oh well, I wasn’t planning on ranting about the queues, I just wanted to set the stage for why I’ve been playing Blind queue lately.

Top Lane Lux

I know I called the Support role – I really did.  We had a Teemo, a Fiddlesticks, a Tristana, and an Amumu, and Trist said she was going Mid Lane as AP.  In any normal game, Teemo or Fiddle would go top lane and Trist would switch to ADC, but no one wanted to compromise except me.  Fortunately, I recognized the problem of having 3 bot laners and no one in the top lane against their Nasus before I left the Nexus.

I returned the Spellthief’s Edge and 3 Pots and grabbed a Doran’s Ring and 2 Pots before I headed to the top lane.

Top lane is probably my least played position, and second only to ADC in terms of roles I dislike.  I particularly don’t like playing against a Nasus who becomes a beast.

20161121-lol-luxvictorydetailstatsI was surprised that Lux did pretty well against him.  Sure, it was only a match between 2 summoners under level 22, but I felt pretty good about holding him in check.  I almost grabbed 1st blood (only a second late) and was able to keep him back from the minions with my spells and passive.  You’d be surprised how much damage Lux’ passive can do to a big guy like Nasus.  He became afraid of getting into melee range because I kept my E in position to smack him if he got too close.  The 1-2 punch of Lucent Singularity and Illumination really kept him at bay and I nabbed 2 solo kills since I don’t think I saw Mumu until I started roaming.  With him either dead or running back from the Nexus, I was able to knock down the first tower and take firm control of the lane.


Katarina from Mid, and Yi from the jungle started camping to try to help Nasus build up to beast mode, but he never got there.  He ended up with 89 cs at the end of the 24+ minute game – I think I did my job in top lane.