Please let it End

I think the end of the Fantasy Football season is close.  Looking at the rules, the playoffs begin week 14 so there are only 2 more weeks after this horrible match.  Honestly, I can’t believe I won – this is the lowest number of points I’ve scored all season but somehow I won.  I’m pretty sure many of the team owners are just on autopilot at this point.  With the BYEs taking their toll and all the injuries, many teams have players that score zero point even if they did play.  

Case in point, my defense.  Defense has been one of the strong points of my team and Denver has been pretty good for me, but this week they had a BYE.  I grabbed the Eagles hoping they would be a good holdover till Denver got back to playing, but…ZERO.


Between BYEs, injuries, and wonderfully crappy play, there were 4 spots in this matchup that resulted in ZERO points – pretty pathetic.  It was so bad, that this 58.1 points was about 10 points lower than the worst I’ve ever done in fantasy football.

Only 2 weeks left.  I am continuing my boycott of actually watching a game and from the sound of it, I picked a good year to abandon watching football.  From what I’ve heard, the games are pretty bad.  I have been watching College ball and there have been some really good games there in contrast.  The fact that all but one of the top 4 teams lost the other week shows that there’s competition and these kids are focused on playing their sport rather than making a political statement or counting their money.

I just have to keep involved in the league a couple more weeks…then I can use those brain cells for something more productive, like playing video games or reading comics.