Leveling to 10

Destiny Journal Entry #9: Enjoying the Patrol

Today was a busy day so I didn’t have much opportunity to game.  I did manage to reach level 10 by running a couple of patrol missions though. 

One thing I saw before I hit the patrols though was the fact that I seem to be done with missions in Russia, and on Earth all together right now.  

My next set of missions will see me head to the Moon.  But I still was able to run patrols on Earth though and ran into some level 40s that were jumping around in the Cosmodrome.  

Wow could those guys chew through the Devil Walker that we faced today.  What took me and a couple guys around level 10-20 10 minutes to take down, went down in about a minute and a half with these two guys.  

Tomorrow I’m looking forward to seeing how the game portrays the Moon.  Hopefully I’ll get more time to play tomorrow.