Morning Ramble 384: June Recap

June was a month where I focused mostly on comics. I spent quite a bit of time reading both DC and Marvel and really enjoyed the 2 events I was following. For DC, I spent the time reading the prelude to DC’s Rebirth – mostly the New 52 Superman and his friendship and then fight with Ulysses, and then I read some of the Aquaman issues where he takes on Dead Water who I guess has some part to play in the Rebirth universe. Both were a bunch of fun particularly since I haven’t read many DC comics. For Marvel, I focused on the Avengers Disassembled storyline and actually got all the way through it. 34 issues of Marvel madness that told a pretty good story. The only trouble I had was that I did not know who all the players were – but it was a fun read.

June was also the month for the re-release of Secret World as Secret World Legends. I was a bit nervous about how things would go but I think they kept the flavor and atmosphere that I loved about TSW and made things a bit more enjoyable with the combat changes. Sure, I’ve only experienced a small part of the game, but from what I’ve seen, things are looking good. Hopefully they push out new content as well as the revamps stuff from TSW. Other gaming this month included Destiny in which I didn’t get as far as I wanted, and my 2 MOBAs – League of Legends and SMITE. I’m still not up to level 30 and ranked play in SMITE, but I’m hoping to get there in July and I’m hoping to cut back on my LoL play since that game just seems to frustrate me with their match maker problems.

So on the whole, I feel like I got a bunch done in June and am looking forward to continue adding to my accomplishments for the year in July. Secret World Legends looks pretty fun and has kept the feel of TSW and there are always more comics to read, so I’ve got plenty to do.