Silver 3

I finally made it to Silver 3 in League of Legends. It’s been a long process filled with many frustrations, setbacks, trolls, and AFKs but I am finally there.  Sure, I am still shooting for attaining a Gold rank this season, but I’m at the highest point I’ve ever been at in League so I figured I would toot my horn.  

I know it’ll be work to stay here and even more to advance, but I feel good about getting here.  

I’ve expanded my champion base and even have been playing a bit of Top Lane throughout this leveling process, but I still play plenty of Support.  My champs have mainly been Zyra, Malzahar, Swain, Morgana, and Xin Zhao.  Malz, Swain, and Morgana have been my primary Mid Laners.  Xin is my Jungler.  Zyra and Morg have been my Supports but I’ve even thrown a Swain or Malz into that role for some diversity.  Finally, I roll with Malz and a Swain Top Lane…I haven’t gotten to the point of trying Xin in Top Lane, but I could see that happening sometime soon.  

Actually, I think I need to work towards getting a tanky top/support/jungler so I can be a damage sponge when needed and a physical damage Mid Laner so I can cover the AD requirements when the need arises. But I’m happy to have made Silver 3 and am determined to keep advancing.