Helping Arana and Grata

Daily Ramble 111: Helping Arana and Grata

Today in Horizon Zero Dawn, I finished up helping Arana and Grata. I sent Arana home and continued her quest to retrieve the spear of her Mother and with my Focus tech, I was able to easily track the machine down and extract the spear. After finishing that off, I moved on to the Odd Grata quest where I had to hunt rabbits and find Grata’s prayer beads. These may not seem like monumental tasks but they help me and Aloy integrate with our fellow outcasts and show the Nora tribe that we really do care about the people in the valley.


Mother’s Spear

Yesterday I found and saved Arana from the Watchers that were stalking her. She was determined to keep hunting the machine that ‘took’ her mother’s spear though and I couldn’t allow a novice hunteress like her to keep putting herself in danger. So I sent her back to her father with the promise that I’d keep up the hunt and find her the spear and bring it back.

Fortunately, I have my Focus which allows me to see where she’s been since she had already been tracking the beast for a while. And I’m getting better at one-shoting the Watchers. This guy was pretty easy with my bow, but I’ve also been learning how to maneuver them into position for my Silent Strike ability.

I’m looking forward to getting Lure which will bring them right to me, but instead of taking that with my skill point when I reached level 4, I decided on Critical Hit instead. The ability to increase my damage was too important at this stage of the game and I figured I could still use my rocks to lure machines into my striking range.

And I’m glad I grabbed it since I was able to sneak up on the Scrapper with Arana’s mother’s spear sticking out of it and kill it in one shot.

Once I got the spear, it was a pretty straightforward trip back to Thok and Arana to return the spear.

They were grateful and they upgraded my spear for more damage which I was plenty grateful for myself. Not only that, but with the quest completed, I reached level 5.


Helping Odd Grata

Next on the list is to help out Odd Grata.

In this quest, Aloy and I met up with another outcast from the Nora tribe. She’s quite a bit older than Aloy and Rost and not as able to get around so we’ve been helping her by collecting food and furs as her needs dictate. She won’t directly talk with us but she talks through the All-Mother to us.

Today, she needs rabbits for food and fur and she also lost her prayer beads. I figure it’s best to tackle this task before meeting up with Rost for the next step in practicing for the Prooving.

Getting to the rabbit hunting grounds was an easy feat and with my bow and my concentration skill, I was easily able to bag up the little critters for Gratta. I actually couldn’t believe how many there were running around the area – I suppose my hunting thinned the population in a healthy manner.

As for retrieving the prayer beads, I got to do some rock climbing. I sure wish things were as clearly marked in the real world when I used to head out in the wilds. There are yellow ropes and markings wherever I have to go which makes things much easier, but then I’m not sure how Grata got up here to lose her beads in the first place.

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