January 2018 Book Plans

Daily Ramble 126: January 2018 Book Plans


Fleshing out January Reading

I already mentioned that I have been reading Magician: Master by Raymond Feist so far in 2018 but I wanted to plan out the rest of my January reading. Looking at what I’d like to read, I want to keep up with my Asimov reading so I’m gonna try to get through Pebble in the Sky to finish off the Galactic Empire series…soon I’ll graduate to Foundation.

And speaking about graduation, I’m taking a step back to something that I expected to have read during high school or college – Frankenstein. I’ve never read the story though of course I’ve seen all sorts of movies based on the monster from Young Frankenstein to Abbot and Costello to many of the Boris Karloff versions, so I pretty much know what happens. I think it’ll be good to finally have read the original story.

Beyond those, I’m hoping to read Girl Waits with Gun by Christina Moore for my Mysterious Galaxy book club but since that’s meeting in a week, I’ve gotta hurry. With those 4 as my baseline goal, I would also like to read Touch by Claire North for the SciFi and Fantasy club and since I enjoyed The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August I figure I should like this one as well.

One thing I’m doing differently this year is that I’m pulling my non-fiction books outta my fun reading list. I’m gonna try to get through one a month and the same goes for a science or philosophy book. If I can read my fun books AND a couple of more serious titles I’d feel really great. I just know that’s a lot to ask for – particularly considering it’s the 10th of January and I’ve only started one of my fun reads and none of the others. In any case, if I get the chance, I’d like to read The Federalist Papers by Alexander Hamilton as my non-fiction entry since I think it’d be good to hear what the founding fathers thought in their own words rather than what the media or political elites tell me. For my scientific entry, I’m looking at The Periodic Table by Primo Levi. From the sound of it, this is mostly a memoir rather than a hard science text, but it seemed like a decent start if I was gonna read some science entries this year.

So I actually have 7 books I’m looking at reading this month. At first look, that’s a bit too many, but I can always try.