Gaming in March

While this is a few weeks late I wanted to cover the games I played in March to see how things compared with my plansfor March.

Looking back, here is what I was planning for gaming in March…wait a minute, I forgot to actually post my goals for March gaming. ARGH! I guess things were a bit crazy in the beginning of March…hell, it’s been pretty crazy this month as well since I haven’t posted anything about my April gaming goals. Ok, tomorrow I’ll put together some thoughts about my April gaming goals…some of which I’ve been working towards already. In any case, here’s what I’ve got for March.

MMO Book Club Gaming

The game of the month for the MMO Book Club was Neverwinter Online for the 2nd month in a row. I enjoyed the game in February and I was pleased that they kept it going for a second month. This actually gave me a chance to get up to max level. But since I was only level 30 when the month started, I figured I’d set a more reasonable goal. I wanted to attain level 60.

And I made it. Running dungeons and Skirmishes I pretty much was gaining 2 levels a day but while doing so, I was flying by some much of the actual content.

I’m planning to head back to hit some of that content and complete some of the campaigns but I at least made it to level 60 and achieved my goal.


My goals for March MOBAs were pretty small and I surpassed them. I was planning on trying to reach Silver in League of Legends which I had barely done last season. While I may play a lot of League – probably too much – I have never been very good at it. This month I decided to stick to my plan of setting the game aside if I lost a match. Doing that all month seems to have worked out because I made it from Bronze 4 up to Silver 5. I was so pleased but at one point I had even played a series to advance to Silver 4 but failed. I’m pretty sure I’ll be able to at least reach Silver 4 but I was really please with achieving my Silver ranked goal in March.

In SMITE, I had a simple goal in mind – finish off my leveling on the PS4 and play the placement games for ranked. Once again, this was an easy goal to attain since all I had to do was play the game. And it really seemed like I was just playing and not learning. While I was doing pretty well leveling and making it to the point that I could play ranked, once I started playing with the big boys, I lost every game I played. 10 losses in a row in my placement matches. Sure there were a couple that were close and a couple we should have won, but 10 defeats in a row…OUCH! Once I was placed…in Bronze 5, I set the game aside for the month. Goal achieved.

Monster Hunter World

I really wanted to get into this game but didn’t really know what goals to work towards. With nothing set, I really just played around a bit and set the game aside. While I enjoyed the game, there’s a pretty steep learning curve for me to get into the game. Perhaps I’ll pick the game back up in a April or sometime later but I don’t think I achieved anything in this game for March.

Rift Prime

Rift Prime was not out at the start of March but I knew it was coming. Regardless, I did not get as far as I wanted to on the new server. I was enjoying my time in the tutorial and trying to figure out what souls I wanted to use but I didn’t have enough time to get very far. Hopefully April will see me getting this going but I would say I failed in this goal as well.

Eve Online

Interestingly Eve Online turned out to be the MMO Book Club game of the month for April when I had already decided to start back into the game in March. I actually jumped on my main character and remembered the joy and anxiety of flying around in Null Sec. Actually, I had a trek of 59 jumps to get from where I left my character and where my corporation was currently at. Fortunately though, the game has made Interceptors truly useful. No longer do you have to worry about timing your cloak, alignment and warp while traveling in a cloaky frigate to move long distances that may have gate camps. Interceptors do the job much easier. They pretty much ignore gate camps since they can not be bubbled and it takes a bunch of disruption to slow them down. They’re also small and fast so they’re the go-to ship for travel as far as I can tell.

The only problem I found when I got to where my corp was located was that I didn’t have any ship to do much other than scouting.

April sees me start up a brand new character in Eve and I’m also keeping things moving with my main.


I think overall I met most of my goals in gaming for March. With 4 goals achieved and 2 failures, I think I did decently. I had some good fun in Neverwinter and League of Legends actually surprised me with the a less toxic environment. I’m hoping my difficulties in SMITE will turn around but then I can always try to play Ranked Joust instead of Conquest.

April looks to be another month in which I’ll be playing all these games except maybe Monster Hunter World – that game hasn’t clicked yet so I might put it aside for a month. One thing I know I’ll change for the month though is that I’ll make sure to put together my goals and post them this time.