Evernote in my Blogging Workflow

A Hammer, a Screwdriver, a Saw, Evernote does it all

Evernote is one of the main tools I use for blogging and pretty much everything else. I use it to capture interesting web pages, track blogs I want to follow, organize posts, plan projects, and quite a bit of other things. It’s a fairly free-form tool that can be used however you want and I’ve found it fits my workflow well.


Capture Web Pages

One of the main ways I use Evernote on a daily basis is by capturing web pages. Evernote has a clipper utility that plugs in to all the standard browsers – Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Edge – and allows you to clip entire pages or just parts. It even lets you take screenshots or create images from the web.

Basically, as I go through the day doing research or just following interesting topics on the web, I grab them all and later on go back and curate them in Evernote to keep what I want and discard the fluff.


Take Notes

Along with capturing pages I also use Evernote to take notes. Wether it’s notes taken from a web page or notes I’m generating myself to build a post, Evernote fits the bill. A lot of times I’ll have roamed the web for an hour or so and captured dozens of pages that I then scan through and filter down to a handful that contain useful stuff. My next step is to highlight and extract key information from them and with Evernote I can do that all in one tool. You not only have the ability to highlight and underline specific text from a page but you can extract or write your own summary at the top of the page.

Often I’ll have 3 sections saved – at the top is my summary and notes I’ve written after processing the web page; below that are extracted highlights taken from the page; and below that is the page itself. Three layers I can use to reference anything I’m interested from that page.


Organize Posts

Another big part of my workflow with Evernote involves writing posts. Since my notes are in the tool it’s easy to put together a post from web page captures but it also works out great for building a post from my game play notes. As I level up and explore the various game worlds I use Evernote to jot down my thoughts, decisions, and interesting pieces of lore as I experience them and then later I can build a post. With the iPad and iPhone versions this also allows me to work on my posts anywhere…at work, at the baseball game, even at the beach. And with the ability to synchronize across all platforms it’s easy to start something on my Mac at home, touch it up on my PC at work, and post it from my iPad.

The bottom line is that for me, Evernote fits well into my workflow and I highly recommend it for anyone who wants to blog or who needs to capture notes.

Blaugust 2019 Day 1 | Evernote in my Blogging Workflow