Played Well Enough, but not Great – Bronze IV Game 4 [LOL]

Having won my first match as Bronze IV, I looked forward to get more comfortable in the division. In this game, I went with my most familiar champion – Morgana. She is one of the champs that I started out with and have been playing since I began ranked play. I think she does well mid lane or support even though I have only just recently started going with her as a support. I like her mid lane. She can wave clear pretty well with her Tormented Soil, and while she is not as mobile as some mid lane champs, I think she makes up for it with her CC.

Bronze IV – Game 4 – 18 LP
BANS – Nasus, Vi, Amumu / Heimer, Mundo, Kass
Our Team – Singed(t), Morgana(m), Warwick(j), Jinx(a), Lux(s)
Opposing Team – Wukong(j), Shyvana(t), Soraka(s), Ziggs(m), Lucian(a)
My Role & Champ – Mid – Morgana
Map Side – BLUE

WW started red buff, but instead of getting full support with Lux and Jinx, they went into the river and started harassing the other team as they tried to get their blue buff. Still, WW had his buff by 2:10, and I was in lane to face Ziggs.

Ziggs can be a tough opponent for Morgana since he has a good poke with his auto attack that has bonus damage from his passive and his Bouncing Bomb(q) that has a really long range. I really hate his Hexplosive Minefield(e), as well, because it is difficult to only hit one of the damn mines. In a recent patch, they lowered the damage taken when you hit more than one mine, but it still hurts and the slow leaves you open to more harassment. I proved this in game, by running into multiple as Wukong came mid for a gank. In my slowed state, Wu was able to Nimbus Strike(e) in and land a Crushing Blow(q) to kill me for first blood. Not a very good way to start.

As soon as WW hit 6, he went bot lane and got a kill on Wukong who was trying to cover while Lucain and Soraka backed for purchases. He got another kill on Wu when going for our blue buff – the Monkey tried to steal, but I saw what was going on and hit him with a Dark Binding(q) and then Ult'd to keep Wu in place while WW put the hurt on.

Back in mid lane, I had a significant cs lead on Ziggs, but he kept poking me. I was always half to 3/4 hp and could not engage him effectively. By 15 minutes, I had the mid outer turret down to 400hp, led 100 to 46 in cs, and although Ziggs did have an assist on Wu's kill of me, I got 2 assists of my own. I was up by 1000 gold and our team was leading with 7-2 in kills and 3400 gold – mostly due to WW's 5-0 kill streak.

At 17:30 bot lane was able to take down their outer turret, and I followed up with the mid outer turret at 17:42. The other team pushed, however, and got our bot and mid outer turrets at 19:20 so we were pretty even, though we still had an 11-6 lead in kills.

I got my first kill at 26:42. Unfortunately, I only killed Wu after he had used his ultimate to take out both Lux and Jinx. I tried to save Jinx with my Black Shield, but that only protects against magic damage and I am pretty sure Wu's Cyclone(r) does physical damage.

By 31:24 we had the bot lane inhibitor down and were up by 13k gold headed for the win, but after we got the 2 nexus turrets down, Wu respawned and postponed our win by killing Singed and Jinx and chasing the rest of us away with this Cyclone. We were going to win, it was just a question of when.

I got my second kill at 33:50 when Lucian was trying to protect their mid inhibitor turret. I just poked him down with my auto attacks and hit him with a Dark Binding and Tormented Soil. We got the turret, the inhibitor, and then at 34:16, we took out their nexus for the win.

It was not my best game, but I did not do anything that would have made us lose. I feel pretty good about the role I played in our win as I think my 8 assists seemed to come at critical times for our team. I ended up with a 67 cs lead on Ziggs and had the most cs of anyone in the game which makes me feel I am doing something right. WW ended the game with 7 kills and no deaths which was impressive, and even in the loss, their Wukong had 9 kills. He was pretty much their entire team, but he could not be everywhere.

Game Result – WIN
My K/D/A/CS – 2/4/8/222
Final Build – Zhonya's Hourglass, Athene's Holy Grail, Sorcerer's Shoes, Blasting Wand, Doran's Ring, Warding Totem