Listen to the FC

I would have thought I’d learned it by now, but yesterday I was reminded in dramatic fashion that I need to listen to the fleet commander.

I thought I was safe flying an interceptor in a fleet of 100+, but I was wrong.

I would have been safe if I had only listened to someone with more experience than I.

When the FC asked for fast tackle to warp off – i should have warped off. But I stuck around. It doesn’t matter that I wanted to get that last target lock and fire off an extra round.

Is getting on another killmail worth the loss of a Stiletto? Not really, but I thought I would cheat death and somehow I would not take ‘that much’ damage from the bombs that were dropped. Somehow, my frigate would grow extra shields or armor, or that my resistances would improve enough that I would withstand the bombing run that was trying to destroy the cruisers in our fleet.

I may have had a small signature which helped my ship take less damage, but it was not enough.

One thing that is constantly reinforced in Eve is that you are always learning. Even when you think you are safe, there is more to learn.

And that is what keeps me coming back to Eve – the constant challenge.

I survived in my capsule, so did not lose any implants, but my ship was turned into a beautiful explosion and somebody’s salvage.

Next time, I will listen to the FC.

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