How Far Can Xin Zhao Fly? [LOL]

I never knew that Xin Zhao could fly.

I knew there were abilities that enabled the Seneschal of Demacia to charge enemies (Audacious Charge) or to knock enemies back (Crescent Sweep), or even knock up opponents (Three Talon Strike), but I never knew he could fly.

Well, with a little help from Tristana’s Buster Shot, Xin Zhao can apparently fly – and pretty far too.

I was really surprised when it happened – I was in the middle of a fight with Garen and the rest of the opposing team showed up. Tristana jumped into the fray and I charged at her. She wound up and fired off her Buster Shot at me sending me from left of the opponent’s mid turret all the way past the small river bush on the right side of the mid lane.

Now from what I can tell, Buster Shot’s maximum knockback distance is 1000 according to (1000 what, I am not sure), but I flew a lot farther than that – at least 2-3 times as far as I’ve ever seen a Tristana smack someone.

In any case, it was amazing to see – everyone on my team commented so I had to make a video. I hope you like it.


2 Comments on “How Far Can Xin Zhao Fly? [LOL]

  1. Yeah, that’s definitely a bug of sorts, I’ve never seen anyone fly that far. At first I thought maybe you were hit by multiple knockbacks and the computer just forgot to throw in the wall collision, but even still you should have just ended up by the river wall. Crazy man!

    • I originally thought I got hit by Tristana and Gragas at the same time, but you can see Gragas knockback earlier in the video, so it was on CD. In any case, it was pretty strange and a little fun. We did go on to win the game too 🙂