Ascension in League

This weekend in League of Legends they introduced the random weekend map selection and the first on the list was Ascension. This takes place on the Crystal Scar map where you don't have a nexus and can't go back to base to heal up and buy. Basically it's like ARAM but on a map with actual objectives.

To goal of this game mode is to score 200 points and ascend your whole team. You do that by…

To ascend, you take out the Ancient Ascended Xerath in the middle of the map, but it's not that easy and of course the other team wants to do the same thing.

I played a bunch of games, typically with Lux, Zyra, or Oriana and ended up going 7-6 overall. I'd say one thing to pay attention to is bans. You really want to ban Teemo because his shrooms are devastating. You also want to either ban or make sure Master Yi and Garen don't get Ascended or you in for some hurt.

With the current tanky meta it was not an easy map but I did ok since most people went AD and didn't buy much MR. The games were pretty quick – 15-25 min and it was pretty fun.

I think I might try to learn Trundle or Malphite so that I have a tanky support handy that can expand the diversity of my picks. They could go top lane or jungle if needed as well. We'll see.

Morning Ramble 2.59