Life in Bronze IV

So far, this has been a pretty busy week for Warcraft fans.  With the Legion release date announced and a new trailer for the movie released.  Here it is…

I think it’s looking pretty good.  Will it be as good as Lord of the Rings???  Don’t know, but it’s a new movie franchise and something I’ll follow wherever it goes.

League of Legends
League of Legends

Climbing back to Bronze IV

The climb back to Bronze IV was not too difficult.  I knew I didn’t belong in Bronze V so I played like I didn’t belong there, but I still lost a few.  I went 4-3 going as Lux and Zyra support, but made it back to my promotion series which turned out to be a single game.  When you fall a tier, you get a credit towards the next time you are in series, so I entered this promo series 1-0 and only needed to win a single game.  I did that with a 11/10/19 showing as Zyra that lasted over an hour.  Even as support, I grabbed 220 cs because we were fighting in our base so much and the game lasted so long.  In any case, I was determined to stay out of the basement and we won, moving me up once again.

Life in Bronze IV

Once I made it through promos, I kept on with my winning ways – I did not want to face another demotion.  I won the next 3 games in a row, making it a total of 6 wins back-to-back.  It was nice to be on a winning streak and starting out 3-0 in Bronze IV was great.  I even climbed to 6-1 before I lost 2 games in a row, and that was because I started having client issues.  For some reason, my game crashed at the start (right after champ select) for both games.  I was able to get into the game for each of them (one at 12 minutes and the other at 8), but it’s really a terrible situation to try to win a ranked game in.  Not only does your team have to fight 4v5 for a time, but when you do get into the game, they are usually less than pleased with you – I received a full dose of toxicity in both games.  So sitting at 6-3 in Bronze IV with 74 LP, I took a break and stepped away from league for a few days – I was doing well, but I needed a breather.

Decent back into ELO Hell

Even with a break, my next series of games left much to be desired.  While I started with a win placing me at 7-3, my next game saw me suffer through an AFK ADC.  It was around this time that I began focusing on Zyra as my main and letting my Lux play diminish so I should have been ok as a solo lane, but the other team was pretty good and we couldn’t handle a 4v5…I got most damage to champions so I was at least a little happy.  Games 12 and 13 in Bronze IV went well – my teams were performing and everything seemed on pace to head up to Bronze III, until I hit a streak of negativity.  5 games where I went 1-4 – argh! – 3 games in a row where I had a bad or AFK Fiora player – and they were all different summoners, then a win, but then a game where our ADC refused to team fight.  So much frustration and I was back down to 11 LP with a 10-9 record in Bronze IV.  Time for another break…

Queue Eye of the Tiger…

Well, that was as low as I would go.  I looked at a few replays for my errors and what I could do to improve my play and I think it helped.  I won my next 5 games and qualified for my promotion series for Bronze III.  I ran as Zyra support in each of these games and compiled 41 kills and a 4.5 KDA over that span.  It’s really nice to see how well things can go when you don’t have to deal with AFK players – somehow, I managed to get lucky and all teams stuck around to finish each game.

I ended up with a 15-9 record in Bronze IV and was waiting to start up my promotion series.  With a 33-24 record for season 6, I’m pretty happy about where I am and think I’m definitely on my way out of Bronze…we’ll see…

Morning Ramble 2.69