I Hate One-for-All

I realized once again why I really hate the One-for-All game mode of League of Legends. 

Unless you get like minded people or people who know all the champs, it is hard to get a decent champion selected. I’ve played 3 games and got Ekko, Yasuo, and Illaoi. Could there be any more complicated champions to play?  At least Illaoi is tanky enough to survive with while learning through a game. Ekko and Yas are just impossible. They are 2 of the most complex champions. Sure they can be played well when you know the champ, but the chances of getting 5 players who know how to play these guys are pretty slim. 

I ended up trying to look up the champion skills while in lane and that was not fun. As it was, I was able to get the second most kills with both Ekko and Yasuo even though I’ve maybe played them once or twice. We were up against smart champs…simple easy to use champs…Blitz and Heimerdinger.  For Illaoi, the other team actually picked a more difficult champ – Yasuo, so we won that game. 

My advice is to pick champs that are straightforward to use or are really common. Specialized champs that seem like they’d be cool are probably not known to everyone and will create a bad game. 

That’s the other part of this game mode that I hate…the toxicity is high when people don’t know what they are doing. 

I think I’ll leave this mode alone for the rest of the of the weekend…I don’t need any more negativity in my life…and next weekend there will be another mode. 

Morning Ramble 2.86