Deadshot…I Mean Suicide Squad

Suicide Squad was Ok

I went to see Suicide Squad last night and really enjoyed the music videos. The first 30 minutes or so, which introduced the villains/heroes, was basically a series of music videos and you can see where they spent a bunch of $$$ since I’m sure the royalties for the songs did not come cheap. Sadly, the movie was not as good as some of those songs.

The movie seemed to be a Will Smith vehicle with a few supporting characters and sadly, Harley Quinn was only there for comic relief. I really wanted to see more of her and would have rather she be the focus instead of Deadshot, but that wasn’t to be. The other supports, Croc, Diablo, the Australian guy were all ok, but Will Smith was the main character of the ensemble – he was the Vincent Chase to everyone else and I think that hurt the film. Jared Leto played a good Joker but I would have rather seen more of him rather than any Viola Davis, she seemed to be as interesting as a cardboard cutout.

I guess overall I was kinda entertained for 2 hours, but I could have been watching the Olympics in my comfy chair at home and getting more excitement – and not having to spend $10 on popcorn. I’m really starting to feel burned by DC and might just consider waiting the 3 extra months to watch the next movie on DVD rather than fork out the $$$ to go to the theater.

Overwatch season ending

While I haven’t been playing much – broken computer – I’ve still been interested in Overwatch like everyone else. Between that game and Pokémon Go, I think there has been quite a bit of alignment in the gaming world this year, but without playing, I haven’t commented on it much. With my new computer, both the playing and commenting might be changing. I’ve got the game installed on my new rig and with the season ending in about a week, I am gonna try to figure out the game and get into ranked play before the season is over.

I guess I need to get up to level 25 and then play 10 placement matches which should be a bit easier than in League since the games can be so much faster.

Does anyone have a champ or 2 they recommend to learn for quick leveling?