Gaming Plans for April 2018

Gaming Plans for April 2018

This post has been pretty much sitting in my draft folder waiting for me to finish it up for almost a whole month now. Finally I took the time to get things moving and look…it’s almost time to put another one together for May. In any case, here’s my plans for April or at least what I wanted to do during the month. One thing I’ve gotta look into I think is a single player game since I haven’t played much in that realm lately – if not this month, perhaps in May…


MMO Book Club Invades Eve Online

I’m starting up a new character for the MMO Book Club venture into Eve online. With this new guy I want to make sure to get through the tutorial and start having some fun with the club. I think they’re planning on some Faction Warfare and that’s something I’ve never tried in Eve so that should be fun.

I also revisited my main character in Eve last month and flew her over to the new base of my corporation. Well, they’ve since moved again and I missed the convoys. Since the new home is quite a few jumps from where I’m at now, I really don’t want to start my move unless I have enough time to make it all the way there…particularly since my travel will be mostly in Null Sec. So for my main, my goal is to make it to my new home in April. Hopefully I’ll get there early in the month and I’ll be able to join up on some fleets, but at the very least I want to be ready to have some corp fun when it’s available.


League of Legends and SMITE

First off, I would like to play less MOBAs just because I’d like to focus on other games that allow me to perform exploration and such. Secondly, I really want to make sure I stay at least in Silver in League of Legends. In the past, I made it up to Silver only to fall pretty heavily and enter a monster losing streak. This time, I want to continue my play style of moving on to something else after a loss. There’s no reason to pile loss after loss up on top of each other. I’d also like to expand my roster of champs I am comfortable with. Zyra and Morgana are good dual lane champs but I’d like to work towards a couple of champs that are known for moving up in rank.

In SMITE, now that I’ve made it to ranked, I’d like to win a few games. Right now I have a difficult time with playing any role other than mid lane or carry and I’d like to expand my knowledge of gods. Sol works well for both mid and carry but I need someone who can support. I’ve also seen Chaac banned a few times and he’s really my go-to for solo lane so I need to expand there as well. Finally, I have no clue for jungle and have picked Sol when I was forced into that role…we actually won that game but I need a better choice. So the bottom line here is I’d like to win a few games ad maybe get outta Bronze 5.

Rift Prime

I started up 2 characters in Rift Prime during March and didn’t get very far with either. Actually, my Guardian Cleric didn’t even make it out of the tutorial sadly. In April, I’m gonna change that. I want to try to get both my characters up to at least level 10 and one of them I’d like to see attain level 20. With the changes to experience points I’m not sure how far I’ll actually get, but I figure goals that require a bit of a stretch are a good thing. In any case, I want to see what I can get done in this game.


Neverwinter Online

This month my main goal in Neverwinter Online is to reach max level. I will leave it at that since I don’t even have a clue what the activities are once a character reaches that pinacle, but I can tackle that stuff in May. For now I am dedicating myself to get to 70 any way I can. I’d also like to set my account up as a full access account since there are campaign requirements to achieve before you are considered fully active. I figure between both these goals I should be pretty set for NWO.