Wakfu Second Fresco of Incarnum

I think the frescos that are found in Incarnum are a wonderful story telling device and I hope this is something that continues throughout the main story of Wakfu. As far as I know, there are at least the 3 frescos in Incarnum with the first focusing on the events leading up to the great flood.

This second fresco begins after the flood has begun and we see the cities of the World of Twelve getting destroyed.

As the tears of Ogrest cause the seas to rise, only islands are left of the land so this is where the disciples of the Twelve end up.

But with the World of Twelve basically destroyed, the gods felt they had to help their disciples. They provided gives like the Haven Bag of Enutrof.

And Osamodas brought animals back to populate the world.

Sadida brought forward the trees and flowers to bring abundance to the world.

And the others provided gifts for their disciples…and I particularly like the god Pandawa who protected the taverns. But more importantly, the disciples began joining together into clans to organize the world after the flood.

Gaming | Wakfu Second Fresco of Incarnum