An Upset Bracket

The first round of the Cats-ish vs. Dogs-ish division was last night and boywas it a doosey. My bracket did pretty well but I know most people, including myself did not see the upset that played out.


March Mammal Madness

Fortunately, my #TeamBrownHyena colors are still showing as the upset happened on the other end of the bracket, but who would have though the 15 seed, Common Kusimanse would take down the 2nd seed, Caspian Seal?

You can see the bloodbath of that and the rest of the battles in the wakelet, but the specific finishing blow is laid out by @Drew_Lab


Finishing Blows

I’ve put together a list of the finishing blows for each of the matches and it you want to see more about the contests, you can find them on Twitter.


It’s a Wrap

So while my #TeamBrownHyena moves on to the second round, we see a major upset with the 2 seed and while I wanted to see the Kinkajou move on, the African Civet lived up to it’s higher ranking and took down my favorite Cinderella.

So far on day one there’s been a lot of excitement and fun in the 2020 March Mammal Madness. Stay tuned for more.

Ramble 2020.01.22 | An Upset Bracket