One Day Off, One Day On

I took an inadvertent day off yesterday as I was busy all day. I never got the chance to get a workout in, even a quick one, unfortunately.

Today, however I did get the time to workout. I am continuing with my 15 minute runs and with my core exercises of push-ups and planks. I am also continuing to include some high intensity interval training this week – basically, I've been doing 2 sets of 20 second exercises with 20 seconds rest between. This week I am doing 3 different exercises in this manner so I've been doing about 4 minutes of HIIT each day.

Week 2 Day 4:

  • 15/14 Squats
  • 12/11 Jumping Knee Tucks
  • 12/15 Plank Jacks
  • 2×20 Push-ups
  • 2×20 seconds Plank
  • Running – 15:06 minutes = 1.26 miles

Once again, I am feeling pretty good after all this and look forward to continuing tomorrow.