Hexakill the Sweet Birds

Where Late the Sweet Birds Sang by Kate Wilhelm

I left off with the little society being run fully by clones. They share a sort of telepathy or at least empathy with each other, or at least the ones that were ‘hatched’ together. And this starts to cause issues when they need to expand their territory and explore the surrounding cities. Well, the cities are all dead, but the clones that go out to explore experience some pretty bad PTSD because of the separation from thier fellow clones. Except for Molly, who seems to grow accustomed to and then thrive on being apart. Because of her affinity for individualism, she is shunned and eventually gets kicked out of the community, but not before she gets pregnant and has a kid…Mark. 

The story is still pretty interesting.  I’m enjoying the description of the clone society and how Molly is cast out because of her sense of self.  It really gives you a feeling that the clones blame the individuals of the previous society for its fall and believe their group think is the better way. I get kinda a creepy feeling thinking of the hive type mentality of the clones, but then Molly is a throwback and they kick her out. Of course I can relate to Molly much better than the rest of the clones but it will be interesting to see how Mark grows up. 


This weekend was Hexakill in League of Legends and it was fun.  I didn’t play much the last time the game mode was around so I didn’t remember much about it. With 6 players to a side on a small map like Twisted Treeline, things can get pretty crazy. I ended up going 3-3 over the weekend but had a blast playing Zyra and Ziggs.  Things really seem to depend on team composition – you need at last one or two tanks and a support is usually a good idea too, then a mix of AD and AP dps.  Katarina is basically a permanent ban or she would be godmode. In any case, I am enjoying the random game modes they’ve been throwing at us each weekend and look forward to being surprised next weekend. 

Morning Ramble 2.81