Looking for Quest Tracking in LOTRO

Since I already ran into a situation where I missed a critical quest and had to start over, I went about looking for something that would help me do some quest tracking in LOTRO beyond the quest log in game.

And I found a couple of spreadsheets that look like they might just do the trick.

Two Spreadsheets to Rule Them All?

Actually I think the two spreadsheets I found do a good job of tracking the critical quests which is the main feature I was looking for. Unfortunately, they don’t cover everything though.

LOTRO CL and LOTRO ASF both cover the quests needed in the Epic quest lines and from what I can tell, if I am trying to get a Deed completed, they’ll track that as well. They both seem to have the Virtue quests which I’ve learned are kinda important too.

But even as Kat and I travel through the tutorial I’ve noticed a couple of quests that are not in either of the workbooks. And a few of them were part of the Intro or Prologue storylines that I figured would certainly be covered. It may just be that these quests have different names than they once did, but it’s a bit frustrating to see that Galadriel’s Dream is not listed in either spreadsheet. Sure, there is the Signs and Portents quest listed of which Galadriel’s Dream is part, but I’d like to see everything broken into its component parts.

I am glad to have learned that the in game quest book does a good job of keeping a running log of what I’ve done and such but I’m still worried I may accidentally miss a crucial questline.

As it is, I’m doing everything I can to accept any quest I see. If I see a gold ring, I talk to the person and get started. Anything I don’t see in the spreadsheets, I’m tracking on my own and I keep checking the LOTRO wiki to see if there’s anything obvious I’ve missed at our level in the areas Kat and I have been roaming around.

Daily Ramble 242.1 | LOTRO – Quest Tracking in LOTRO